Gender roles, Nigerians vs Colombians

Nigerians vs Colombians

Gender roles are an essential part of a culture, then some aspects will be presented comparing some gender roles between Colombians and Nigerians (the culture being studied).

Resultado de imagen para gender roles nigeria

The first aspect is education. For Nigerians, it is a latent problem that girls' attendance at school is low and therefore much less than that of boys. It is believed that this is caused mostly by the patriarchal nature of African culture and therefore many girls are forced to withdraw from school after elementary school. On the other hand in Colombia, although the number of girls in mixed schools is lower than that of male students, there is quite a difference with respect to the level of education they reach in comparison to Nigerians. Where i was able to study, a similar number of girls graduated from those who started studying with me taking into account that girls were 40% of the people in my class. Another important aspect to deal with is that 50% of Nigerian women get married before the age of 20, while men are only 4% at the same age. The above condemns most of these women to be mothers at an early age, to take housework or aspire to very basic jobs. On the other side of the coin Colombians do not usually marry at such an early age, in fact today many tend to run away from commitment and there is not so much difference between men and women since they usually marry at a similar age that is close to 26-28 years. In addition to that when getting married at that age, job opportunities for women are less affected. In relation to the previous, gender roles are not something that ended in the home. spread out to determine the socio-political and economic positions men have had in relation women, which has consistently been one of dominance and advantage. As a result, in Nigeria, women who became tired of being seen as less than a man, developed and looked onto feminist ideologies thus creating arguments and narratives that pushed for gender-equality. In this regard, if it is quite similar in Colombians, and although work is being done on the contrary, the woman is still in an unfavorable place with respect to men.


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