Hofstede’s Method

Hofstede's method serves to identify the cultural patterns of each group, behavioral discrepancies and improve our understanding of other cultures by examining how cultural values ​​affect this behavior. Below are the graphs thrown by the Hofstede method comparing Nigerian and Colombian culture.

The purple bars represent the Nigerians and the blue ones represent the Colombians.

When looking at the graphs it is clear that there is a lot of similarity in 3 aspects between the two cultures. Masculinity  (MAS), long term orientation (LTO) and indulgence (IND). The most distant, but at the same time close are power distance (PDI), individualism (IDV) and uncertainty avoidance (UAI).

Power distance index: Both present high percentages, which means that there is a lot of inequality among the inhabitants and they see it as normal in their lives. That is, they accept the social inequality.

Individualism versus collectivism: The results show that both Nigerians and Colombians tend to be collective cultures, that is to say that group opinion is important and allows them to obtain very good results. However, in this aspect Colombians perform 17% better than Nigerians.

Masculinity versus femininity: The differences here are almost nil, both cultures are in the order of 60% masculinity, which means that people “live in order to work”, managers are expected to be decisive and assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and performance and conflicts are resolved by fighting them out.

Uncertainty Avoidance index: This is the aspect in which both cultures differ the most, although both are above 50%. Therefore, although Nigeria does not represent a definitive tendency both have to avoid ambiguity. Emotions are openly expressed; there are (extensive) rules for everything and social conservatism enjoys quite a following.

Long term orientation versus short term orientation: Both cultures have identical percentages of 13%. Therefore in this type of culture is normative instead of pragmatic, have a strong concern with establishing the absolute truth, are normative in their thinking. They exhibit great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the future, and a focus on achieving quick results.

Indulgence versus restraint: They have 83% and 84% respectively in this criterion. Which means that both exhibit a willingness to realise their impulses and desires with regard to enjoying life and having fun. Always have a positive attitude and  a tendency towards optimism. Finally, they spend money as they wish and act as they please.


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